Friday, January 18, 2008

First Floor Taking Shape

The building crew has been back for a week now and we're really starting to see progress with the first floor structure.

Corey in the corner of what will be the formal Dining Room

Ade across the subfloor in the Master Bedroom/Walk-in Closet and Bathroom

The 2 Kitchen windows

Side of the Home facing some woods and the Wolf Lake Road(window opening is in Formal Dining Room) and the kitchen is to the right of the Dining Room

View from the walkout basement looking up at the Master Bedroom walkout onto the deck

Friday, January 11, 2008

Log Structure Taking Shape

Our Builders started stacking the first few courses of logs just before Christmas. They finally returned to the job site yesterday (1-10-08) to continue work. They drilled holes down into the subfloor from course #3 for us to run our electrical wiring. They will also route out circuit boxes.

Invasion of the Foam Globs

They're eveywhere! Little foam globs (used for insulating the joints between logs) have made their way onto the foundation, down into the basement, onto the subfloor, hanging from the deck girders, onto scrap piles, in window sills, hanging onto the outside of the log walls being stacked, blowing in the breeze, etc. They look like Easter Peeps.


Late November through Mid-December 2007 ~ After Ade and Bill installed the 200 Amp service box in the basement and the meter box on the outside corner of the house, I helped to bury and "daisy-chain" the ground rods with copper wiring around the front corner of the house. Our Electrical inspector for Grass Lake Township, Keith King, came for our first electrical inspection. We passed, so Consumer's Energy came out to finish their work of installing poles and power lines, as well as trenching ~135 feet of wire underground up to our house. To date, we've used a whopping 6 kilowatt hours (or 50 cents I'm guessing).

Deck Posts

December 9, 2007 ~ After the footings had been poured and dried, the solid cedar logs that Rapid River sent down for the deck were placed on to the drift pins encased in the footings (9" rebar) and girder boards were centered on top of them.